I will see you on Friday. When you exit the Southwest terminal, walk across the road to the island for passenger pickup located at the (south end) near the taxi pickup. We have a 12 o'clock appointment to visit Lynn Franco, in Berkeley, who has a custom kiln with lift system similar to the style we have discussed.
We can then visit Leslie Ceramics, and if you are interested my studio, which has a large gas kiln, and ConeArt kiln etc. We could also visit the California College of the Arts (where I used to teach) to see a large oval style kiln. Let me know what you want to see.
I may drive my red car which is easier to spot when I pick you up at the airport.
John Toki
I have medium brown long-ish hair, and I am only five feet tall. I will just look for a red car! See you soon. -Kim Fox